For years I wondered WHY I suffered through some things.  I asked God difficult questions.  After all, I am a believer - or at least I am seeking to live a life pleasing before God.  I repented from my sins.  What gives - why me?  I cannot begin to tell you how many times I asked God questions not realizing that God was actually answering my questions and I was so consumed with the problems that I did not even recognize it.

God gives his greatest struggles to his strongest soldiers.  I now realize that I must have been strong enough to endure the adversity BUT the end result is to reach out my hand to help someone else. For YEARS I would have preferred ANYTHING than to admit that I had been the victim of domestic violence. People that meet me and take the time to know me look at me in awe not being able to believe that I had endured some of the things I tell them.  There was only a small group of people that even know about my past.  I kept this secret close to my heart heart on PURPOSE.

The older I got, the more I understood that it is my pain that has the ability to heal someone else.  i am NOT an authority on everything because I myself am still learning.  I will tell you THIS with great confidence, I understand the audience that visits "Deborah's Freedom".  Domestic abuse, I have been there.  Feeling helpless, yep I have been there.  "Baby Daddy" dram, been there.  Day care expenses when my salary was just above the poverty line - you got it - I have been there.  Going to churches for help and getting hurt worse in the process - I have been there too.

So much has happened, I wrote a book.  Even in the journey of writing a book, it does not encompass all that I have been through.  The comments and inbox messages have given me the confidence that I am on track with God's purpose for my life.  I don't know all of the pieces to this great puzzle but what I do know is that YOU need to get to know me.  Know my journey and see how close it is to yours.  YOU ARE NOT ALONE BECAUSE I SURVIVED WHAT YOU ARE GOING THROUGH RIGHT NOW.

I cannot fix your problems but I can assure you that I have compassion for you.  I cannot TELL you what to do - I can only let you know what worked for me.  Knowing that you are not alone is the first key.

Why me.  Why not me.

I understand.


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