A New Decade is Here!

Entering into a 2019 was much more than "popping the cork" on a bottle of Sparking Cider and throwing confetti into the air.  The realization that we have entered into a new DECADE is a monumental thought.  Those resolutions of losing weight and no longer smoking (if you are a smoker) seem mundane when you think of a life on a bigger sphere of existing.  I am not "just" thinking about what did or did not happen in 2019 - I am seeking to make sense of the pats TEN years.  There were a lot of "WINS" but there were a lot of "LOSSES".  I lost my dad, my mother and my brother in nine month intervals of each other - just to stand in front of the coffin of my daughter's father just a over a year ago.  Suffice to say, I had to take a deep breath and realign myself so that I would not live in a perpetual sense of grief.  I did the hard work - went to counselling - and I can safely say, God healed the wound that would make my heart bleed for something I had NO control over.

Yes, I even had a FIGHT with GOD.  Yeah, you heard me say it.  I "FOUGHT" God about having a social media presence.  Deep inside myself, I knew I had "Something To Say" - but I had a negative opinion about social media.  I "TRIED" to give God advice on what I felt was best for me. (I sure did!)  I took some classes in order to expand my scope of knowledge in other areas - surely a "career change" was in the offing for me.  NOPE.  I volunteered in various capacities to "see" what I felt would be best to "serve the Lord".  I became a mentor and a life-coach, too.  NADA.  God gave me no "FREE PASS" to what HE wanted for my life.  Still steadfast at NOT having a social media presence I laid in bed and cried out to God.  Of course, my tears had validity.  NO AGAIN.  i learned "the hard way" that God is still in control and my antics were only delaying my own progress.  As i "finally" began to surrender to this "CALLING" ON on my life, the pieces of my life started to "come together".  "Deborah's Freedom" has exceeded my own expectations and the BEST IS YET TO COME"! Longest story short - I fought God but GOD WON.  God will ALWAYS win!!  i am grateful for surrendering myself to HIM - I am now living my dream.

"Deborah's Freedom" began with me as a "bitter" woman spewing the unspeakable plight of my life as a survivor of domestic violence.  I could not be satisfied that I was a SURVIVOR - I kept referring to the pain that was inflicted upon me.  Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, that IS part of the plight but how soon did I forget that I was still ALIVE!  After a few months of "feeling sorry for myself" - I SOON learned of people who DIED at the hands of their abuser.  I SOON learned of people who had stores that would pale my own plight.  I SOON learned that pain had no socio-economic boundary.  Pain had no address - from the projects to the penthouse - no one was exempt.  from flats to stilettos - from sneakers to Jordans - male or female - NO ONE was exempt.  Truth is - EVERYONE has endured SOMETHING - it is all in how one processes their injustice.  Your pain WILL make you either BITTER or it WILL make you BETTER!!  I urge you to make the decision to make your life BETTER - despite the unfair moment that may have "changed your life" as it did mine.  I assure you, I am a much BETTER person - I learned a lot about MYSELF - but best of all, I learned about intimacy with God.  Had I not been afflicted - I would not have known HOW to approach the Throne - before I approached the Phone.  I had a circle of friends that I could call - but when the day was over - they could have been "picking their nose" on the other end of hte phone.  Truth is - "some people" kinda like it when you are "down".  It is that mediocre space that people want to keep you in.  Go ahead and heal.  Go ahead and "find yourself".  Go ahead and get closer to God.  THEN - you will find out who your "real friends are".  "Some people" don't want you to do better.  Learning how to walk ALONE was painful but the fewer voices I had speaking into my life helped me to LISTEN to God better.  Don't chase after people!!

"Deborah's Freedom" is God inspired and anything less than that would be a failure to the foundation for which I stand.  Simply put - God is FIRST IN MY LIFE.  Period.  As I embark upon allowing HIS will be done, it also comes with responsibility.  My responsibility is to walk with honor and integrity the task HE has assigned to my hands.  I desire to be walking WORTHY OF THE CALL ON MY LIFE.  I do NOT take it lightly that TENS OF THOUSANDS (visibly) follow "Deborah's Freedom".  I do not take it "lightly" that HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS "visit" "Deborah's Freedom" from ALL OVER THE WORLD!!  "Deborah's Freedom" is NOT a regional or national entity, I am awe-stricken tht other continents "check-in" with "Deborah's Freedom".  Recently, I had one post that reached almost 23 THOUSAND people in just two days.  I realize that "statistics" are not the totality of the "reach" of "Deborah's Freedom" but these numbers are not ALL WRONG either.  Knowing that so many people are being FED by the Christ in me is a daunting reality.  First of all, it means that I must keep my own ear close to the heart of God.  I have to walk upright before Him.  I do not want to answer to GOD about what I did with my GIFT.  I am using my GIFT for HIS Glory!

For years - and years - people would ask me to do public speaking.  I did not like the "title" of minister because I have seen the "title" abused.  I was constantly writing articles and getting rave reviews from my peers but a social media platform was NOT in the mental picture for me.  Now I told you - I had to surrender, didn't I?  Well.... I did not know where to get started?  What will I say?  Will anyone even listen?  What if they don't listen?  What if no one pays attention to my posts?  What if someone laughs at me?  What if someone disagrees with me?  What if.... What if ....

Back to that ISSUE of surrender.  One day, that "light bulb" went off inside of me.  I stopped asking questions and put my fingers to the keyboard and took a step.  I could NOT see the step - but I stepped out anyway.  Much of this journey has been a "BLIND" one - but the results have been OUT OF THIS WORLD.  I know there are people reading these words right now with MILLIONS of followers and may laugh at my meager beginnings BUT I know that I am following a mandate from the King!  This is KINGDOM BUSINESS!!

Words escape my level of APPRECIATION that God has chosen me for such a time as this.  I am HUMBLED that my endurance during time of great adversity is a testimony to someone that can RELATE to my plight.  I am in GREAT ANTICIPATION as God has begun to open door - after doo - after door for "Deborah's Freedom"!

Less than a month ago, "Deborah's Freedom" became a BUSINESS!!  That's right.  "Deborah's Freedom" is now "Deborah's Freedom", INCORPORATED!  "Deborah's Freedom", Inc. is now  a Non-Profit Organization.  We are licensed in the State of South Carolina with a valid Tax Identification Number (EIN).  That being said - "Deborah's Freedom" has ALREADY been able to help a struggling mother get two rooms in a hotel - after having slept in her car for several days.  Of course, we cannot logically help EVERYONE - but we can help SOMEONE!  Unless you, yourself have been in dire straits, you will not understand how it feels to "sleep in a bed" when that is ALL YOU HAVE LEFT.  This young lady that was able to be "helped" keeps telling me "Thank YOU" - but I WISH I could do more!!  In time, I WILL!

Contributions and donations can be made via PayPal.

The questions, "Do I Inspire You?" is a rhetorical one.  It is a question that does NOT require an answer.  This "tag" or "post" is to get your attention.  Mission Accomplished.  As long as I am doing what God wants me to do - I am at peace with the process - God is responsible for the outcome!

Thank you for being a devoted follower - as I know MANY have followed "Deborah's Freedom" for an extended amount of time.  I do NOT expect everyone to like everything but then again - there are MILLIONS of pages that can suit the taste of what one may be looking for.  The social media - world wide web - is like a smorgasbord - you can get what you want and leave what you do not want.  "Deborah's Freedom" is committed to the call - a motivational moment to cause a positive change!
For those that are "NEW" to "Deborah's Freedom" - WELCOME!  With God at the helm - it is almost impossible for "something" that is said to come right down your "alley"!!

WELCOME to the world of "Deborah's Freedom"!  If you "hang around" with me long enough - something may "rub off on you"!  Your perspective may change. Your positive vibrations may come back!  Your knowledge that you are "not alone" will be a thing of the past.  You may choose a closer walk with God!  Your soul may be WON for the KINGDOM!!

I do not profess to know "everything" - heck, sometimes I "still" make mistakes but I am growing.  I am "not a poster child" for ANYTHING - BUT - I DO serve a good God!!  May 2020 MEET and EXCEED your expectations!  Multiplied blessings to you!

Thank  you for trusting ME to go to God!  I won't write it, endorse it or publish it if at the end of hte day God is not GLORIFIED!

Let's make 2020 our best year ever - and certainly let's make this DECADE - UNFORGETTABLE!!

Image may contain: possible text that says 'Have I ever inspired you?'


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