Gaining Strength Amidst Sorrow.

Finding firm footing from the loss of both my moth and my brother last week is grueling.  Great memories and traditions as a family are remembered.  The pain is inescapable but moving forward is part of my new journey.  Perhaps Deborah's Freedom is much more than a clarion call to people in (or were in) domestic abuse situations.  Maybe, just perhaps it now means more to me.  I am embracing a new freedom to evolve.  This is a time to embrace a new freedom to re-invent myself.  This is a landmark time for me to give a different part of me away.  

We'll get there together.  I will be peeling back a once silent and very private part of  my heart.  Of course, the intent was to reveal my past relationship struggle and I will continue to do that.  Seems I will interject my healing through these pages as well.  Thanks to everyone for praying for me and the kind words of consolation during this time of sorrow.

Weeping may endure for a night - but HIS joy comes in the morning.  

Hello Morning.


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