Strength For Your Journey
I am hopelessly in belief that people actually have a good heart. Sometimes "life" changes the authentic hearts of some - but deep down in the core of everyone is a seed of compassion. Good people have made their exterior hard - sometimes in an effort to protect what is left of their broken heart. Surely, there is room at the cross for every broken heart but some don't want to visit the cross because "FOR SOME" - their hurt came at the hand of a church they once attended. Having gone to church for most of my life - I UNDERSTAND!! Because "I UNDERSTAND" - I am not very quick at asking people to "just get over it". Sometimes "just getting over it" is an insult. Until you have walked a mile "in my shoes" just saying "get over it" will cause distance between yourself and the person saying it.
Pain is pain and difficult to digest. Just when you believe you have adopted a coping mechanism, a letter comes in the mail or the scent of his/her perfume at the perfume counter at the mall or a song will bring back a memory. Oh, the sweet memories of a situation that went so wrong!! For me, I learned that this is a process and time DOES heal the wound but the mind has to deliberately make a choice to let the lingering memory debilitate you.
Today, I don't ask you to "get over it" - I would hope you take the steps to "get through it". You have gravitated to ""Deborah's Freedom" for a divine purpose. I feel my own purpose is unfolding every day.
The next time someone wants you to "just get over it" - kindly respond with "I am working to get through it".
You can do it. I have faith in you.
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