"Deborah's Freedom" is a reflection of my own life.  I have sought to be transparent because I know I am alone in my struggles.  The common thread is getting through while you are going through.  Of course, we get anxious and want our problems solved immediately - because unfortunately, I do myself.  There have been times when I thought that surely God has forgotten about me.  (but He has not). 

Problems DO come to make us strong.   Heck, I am stronger now than I have ever been.  People meet me and regularly ask me "how can I be just like you"?  Inside myself I laugh because they just don't know what they are "really" asking for.  I have mastered the art of smiling through my tears and only a FEW really know that my face is still damp from the tears - they just don't show. 

Recently challenged, I offer this to you.  Have you CELEBRATED the victories you have won?  Do you look in the mirror and say "you are a BAD MOTOR-SCOOTER"?  Well, you are!!  What HAPPENED crippled me for sure but up until now I have not celebrated that what the enemy meant for evil, God is going to use for my good.  Thing is, the revelation and realization of what I am DUE from the pain I suffered has not YET arrived..... BUT - today is my declaration that I am not going to wait until the battle is over, it is time to SHOUT NOW!! 

As Pastor Ron Carpenter (Pastor of Redemption in Greenville, SC) stated on Sunday, We are ordinary people - but we serve a supernatural God.  I prophecy this day, God is going to do the supernatural in the lives of all those who read these words today. 

Watch for it!!


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