Not All Scars Are Visible

In the age of technology, information is moved around like the speed of light.  All of the news units want to be the "first" to tell a "Breaking Story" but the problem is  - everyone interprets an event differently until all of the facts are out and examined for proof of accuracy.  As you know by now - there is (1) the truth; (2) my truth (what I "believe I saw") and (3) error.  (Otherwise known as right, wrong and the truth).

Having earned the biter experience of being in a toxic relationship I further understand that scars are not always visible.  This fact is one of the biggest problems with the legal system when it comes to abuse.  With multiple avenues from which one can take a photo now, even with a photo sometimes abuse is hard to prove.  One of the other problems is the lack of understanding that abuse is far more than what you can see with the physical eye.  Even more, the moment of impact is tragic and an event that should NEVER happen but unfortunately it does.  Mental abuse is lethal because we are in a society where people wear a MASK and even those closest to a victim of any kind of abuse can NEVER know it has occurred because we LEARN how to protect our abuser and in turn never release the inner turmoil taking in the mind and heart of someone that has been wounded - mentally or physically.

Again, I am NOT the poster child for having survived a toxic relationship which resulted in painful memories BUT this is one thing I DO know - there is life beyond your misery - thus the launching of "Deborah's Freedom".  My freedom is your freedom too.  There are MANY survivors reading my words - MANY (just like myself) have chosen to get past the memory and hide those memories in a vault in our minds.  Scars DO heal but you have to put in the work!  In a culture of instant everything - where you are is a journey to where you are going to be. 

Let me be first to tell you, "coming out of the closet" and admitting to a painful past is difficult ..... but it is not impossible.  I have chosen to be transparent - at the risk of letting others know that my life was not perfect.  It is the imperfections that make me who I am.

While my scars are not visible - they hurt and it took time to heal.  I am grateful to tell you that I "put in the work" towards my healing process. 

Part of my healing was to write - to write to you.


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