You Are Not A Victim!

Through the wonder of technology, I am enjoying an experience I did not know I could.  I have the undeniable privilege of talking to many of you via comments, email, Instant Messages, etc.  What makes this special tome is that God is allowing "what happened" to me to a vehicle to help someone else.  I am learning that people want ot know that "someone" understands their plight - the best way of understanding is to have gone through it myself.

I must insert a disclaimer here, though.  I am not an authority on ANYTHING.  I just know authentically what I felt like when I went through particular situations and I can "tell you" as a reader what MY experience was BUT there is no secret formula for "getting through" - "while you are going through" - except to embrace the process.  

Someone recently called me their "HERO".  No, I do not have a cape with my hair blowing in the wind - but what I do have is a shield of faith.  I have survival as part of my tool belt.  Was it easy?  Has my life been a flower bed of ease?  Would I repeat anything I have gone through?  Well, it was not easy, nor was I born with a "silver spoon" in my mouth which prevented me from some of the disasters I felt but would I do it again - with the wisdom I have gained - the answer is a resounding YES.  There are some things life you just cannot explain unless you experience it.  To those who have children - chances are you said at least once "don't touch the stove because it is HOT".  Once burned, you don't have to discuss this issue anymore.  The child KNOWS the stove is hot and chances are - the child will avoid it... right?

Similarly it is with live.  After a few years of maturity and mistakes, you have a built-in radar.  Your gut instinct will sound off when things are not suitable for your peace of mind.  If something - or someone costs me my peace - it - or they are too expensive.  

I am complimented frequently by my transparency.  Transparency comes at a price BUT if my transparency helps someone - even one person - it has all been worth it.

Hold your head up high - most of all - hold your standards a little higher.  Life is waiting for you to participate in it - time to get off the bench and get in the game again!

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