Technology has allowed me the opportunity to reach out to people I may never meet and I am honored. Social media has been known for "very good things" and some "not so good things". The ability to decipher where your eyes land is completely up to you. With a simple click of a mouse you can be on the other side of the world and yet in the comfort of your own home. Amazing isn't it? Who would have imagined this level of technology 20, 30 or 40 years ago? The magical thing is, we are "still" evolving!!
This being said, I want to encourage people. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that may sound trite until you are the one that needs it. I tell people over and over again, I do not know everything and I do not pretend to know everything - I do, however, know with vivid recall the things that make up my journey. I am smart enough to "stay in my lane"!! There is a multitude of chat rooms, BLOG posts and other social media outlets to "wet your whistle" - so like any well stocked smorgasbord - you pick what you like and leave the rest for someone whose palate is calling for what you do not like.
I authentically want to see people "MAKE IT IN LIFE". I mean, for real. Perhaps your quest is the "corner office" with the chair that has tufted cushions on it - I shay go for it. Perhaps it is the house with the white picket fence - I say go for it! Perhaps you want the wedding of your dreams now that your Boaz has found you - I say go for it! Maybe it is the education you put off in order to be a parent - (what am I gonna say?) - go for it! The list of things one may "want to do" is within your reach - but sometimes you gotta stretch to get it - stretching BEYOND your comfort zone!
I often times believe WE prevent our own forward progress. It could be from a decree spoken over you as a child that you believed to surrounding yourself with people who are "dream killers". "THEY" don't wanna do better so they have convinced you that you need "THEIR" permission to make forward movements. To this end, it is critical to surround yourself with WINNERS because the conversation is different. If EVERYONE in your circle is struggling - you are NOT better than they are - but perhaps you are sitting at the wrong table of life. Of course, if you ARE sitting at the wrong table of life - could you possibly contemplate building your own table and invite people with like minds to sit at it with you and of course, you can always sit SOLO until your direction is clear.
Everybody gets an "IMAGINARY CUP" in life. We put a lot of things in our "cup" and sometimes fail to remember that it is from this "cup" that we pour from. If we are still having unresolved issues from our childhood, it is likely that sentiment has settled in your "cup" and you are pouring generational curses into YOUR children. For instance, if you grew up with VIOLENCE or a culture of LACK, or perhaps a lot of DRAMA - it is not unlikely that this is also in your cup and it seems "normal" to you to keep these negative devices around - maybe it is ALL YOU KNOW. Perhaps you grew up where substance abuse was common or even sexual abuse was not far from your innocent eyes - is it possible that you "still" have some of that in your "cup"?
Maybe as an adult you experienced shame. Maybe you are a product of incest or rape and you feel like you "don't belong". Is the guilt or shame lingering around in your "cup".
How about your older (grown) children don't appreciate you. What part is that in your "cup"? You as a parent gave "THEM" everything you had and they do not understand the depth of your sacrifice. That is not supposed to be in your "cup" is it? Could "they" have manipulated you into believing that you OWE them? Did you see someone in y our family tree do exactly what you are doing - so to you it seems normal? Your "cup" may be running over with trying to pour out of an "empty cup".
Insert your specific scenario. YOU know what your "cup" is filled with. Your soul knows. Thing is, it is so hard to "get real" with ourselves sometimes. Change is incredibly difficult - although it is not impossible.
In closing, I pray your "cup" runneth over with goodness. Even in your situations of life and your circumstances - just remember that God is with you! (I think I am speaking to myself!!)
Get your saucer ready!! Bishop T.D. Jakes says "Get Ready! Get Ready! Get Ready! Get Ready!" When you repent - just don't repeat!
Do you have any residue that you need to EMPTY out of your "cup" so that it can be filled with what God has planned for you?
It is with joy we draw water from the wells of salvation. If your "cup" is already full, you don't have room for the good things God has prepared for you.
If you empty out - I promise you - God will fill you up!
"Here's my cup Lord, I lift it up Lord. Come and quench this thirsting of my soul. Bread of Heaven feed me until I want no more. Here's my cup. Fill it up... and make me whole!"
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