Are You Running on EMPTY?

While I am one who takes pleasure in visiting the information super-highway, I have also learned how important it is to be diligent about my focus.  The thirst for information at the speed of sound is remarkable.  How many of us were once transfixed to the arrival of the newspaper to find out what was happening in the world? The evening news used to be sacred - because then and only then could we be alerted about the "BREAKING NEWS" taking place somewhere in the world.

Those days are gone and I feel a bit of nostalgia thinking about the "good old days".

It is remarkably easy for me to feel a bit tense when I get a notice on my device that a natural disaster took place.  My first sense is to want to help.  Logically, I am unable to GO to these remote (and sometimes local) areas to physically lend a hand of comfort - but I can send my prayers.  When "Amber Alerts" are posted, I immediately think of the peril the parents must feel and the possible innocence lost at the hands of a stranger.  When we read of a murder, who doesn't want to cry?  Ah, yes - instances of domestic violence (my personal "soap box") - I take a deep breath and remember my own plight.

My point is- we have an emotional tank that runs on "EMPTY" - if we let it.  It is sheer discipline to invoke FOCUS into my daily routine.   Whether the light is yellow (caution) or red (danger) - take inventory of the "signs" that mean it is time to re-fuel.  Most people, including myself - when you have a car for some time - you kinda know how long you can go when that "light comes on" to get to the gas station of your choice.  But if you are anything like me - that light can fool you and you can run completely out of gas.  How big was your pride when you had to get a gas can - WALK to the station you did not want to go to - or even worse have to ask for help.  That light on your dashboard is just an indicator - but deep down YOU know when you are running on "E".

On or around September 20, 2018, (my pastor/the pastor of Relentless Church in Greenville, SC) Pastor John Gray preached a message at Lakewood Church entitled "Professional Christian"  and this is the catalyst for my writing today.  The points made in this message hit home - and listening to it would be worth while for anyone.  The title alone should evoke an internal challenge of thought.

It is SO easy to put going to church on our Sunday (or Wendesday night) to satisfy our "TO-DO" list.  Perhaps we are going to the church that "Big Mama" attended or going to church is "what we do", together as a family.  Maybe you are from the generation of being a groupie to the local "personality preacher" - or you follow the "new prophet" that happens to say what you want to hear.  Against, popular opinion - some go to church - leave churches and shop around for the church that will say what will agree with the dysfunction (or sin) they are in.  Some are not looking for TRUTH - they are looking for what "feels good" to the sin they are in.  The "gimmicks" that make up church attendance are to many to mention but if you don't watch out - you can go to church and still lead an "EMPTY" life.  Which leads to ask the question - "Was church a "SHOW"?

Shouting down the aisle produced only physical exercise if you talk about  your Pastor.  Speaking in tongues is fruitless if you cannot speak kindly in English.  Those parking lot (false) prophecies, going to church to "get a date" and having the form of godliness - but denying the power thereof.....  People. People.  It is like going to hell in a VW instead of a Rolls Royce.  Why rack up good deeds and not live a holy life?

There are voices much greater than my own - but I just speak for ME.  A part of ONE.  I have been in church ALL OF MY LIFE - and believe me - I have seen a lot - been through a lot - and it was all done "IN THE NAME OF JESUS.... Oh, God!!

There is a lot said about the horrors of going to church.  Not always have churches held up to the standards that the church should BUT - I assure you, there are MANY churches and local assemblies that STILL hold up the blood stained banner for the Lord.  It DOES matter WHERE you attend.  It DOES matter who you listen to.  It DOES matter who you sit next to in church.  It DOES matter that you write down the scriptures (and study them during the week).  It DOES matter that you offer up a sacrifice of praise because the devil is watching and waiting - the devil wants to see if you are going to live what you are hearing - and being taught.

Bishop Jakes eloquently put it this way:

The problem with church today is that people GO to church and say “church-y” things but they don’t know the gospel. We have a biblically illiterate generation. The church has turned into a country club for people who wanna “do better”. You end up having a social experience with church people and not a divine experience with God. So when you don’t like “people” – you leave churches because your only connection with God is folks!! People aren’t coming to church to have an experience with God – they are coming to church to have a church experience with people ,,,,,
Bishop .D. Jakes

I urge everyone to watch your spiritual supply.  I do.  I don't get it "right" all of the time - but I am getting better at it.  I have tried to do things MY own way - and learned to daily surrender the things to God that only HE can do.  I will admit - sometimes it is very hard to FOCUS.  FOCUS is a choice - although it takes discipline.

FOCUS because a lot of things and people want your attention.  Even sitting in church - you got he lights, the cameras, the praise team, the flags, the band, the movement of the congregation (you know what I am talking about).  Walk in with a deliberate desire for God to confirm what he has already told you in private.  Once you allow someone else to talk to God for you - you become a prisoner to them.  I have become mature enough that if the Pastor or First Lad y NEVER speak to me - ultimately, I did not come to church to see them.  I respect them - but their handshake does not guarantee me a seat in Heavenly Places.  

Once I learned that saying "NO" was a whole sentence, it set me free.  Sometimes you have to distance yourself form people (sometimes that includes family).  There are "dream killers", too.  FOCUS - know when you need the Lord to replenish you.  Go to your "secret closet" and get the help you need.  Go ahead, fill up on the premium blend of His Presence, The Word and your sincere desire to "Come Up" a little higher.  Not just a half tank - we wanna be FULL of HIM - and less of US!!

Once you get a "real taste" of the anointing, you will never the same.  Does your faith get challenged? ... of course it does - your tank is getting low.  Your indicator light may not have come on but you know when you need to be refueled from On High.  Also, I am no longer satisfied with a "motivational speeches" - in times like these we need The Word - nothing more - nothing less.  

Sometimes - it will require a 10-Second Praise Break!!
10 - 9 - 8 - 7 - 6 -5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1!!

Let's GO!


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