You Are Strong

I am strong because I have been weak.  Sometimes I feel weak when I look back at what made me strong!  I am so guilty of forgetting the battles God has won already.  When problems arise, it is the job of the enemy to make us think that we are "swinging" at the problem alone.  Part of "Deborah's Freedom" (which is also YOUR freedom) is the innocent reminder that you are not alone.

While I am "finally" at a place I feel more and more transparent about my past in order for YOU to have confidence in knowing that I "understand" some of the mechanics of healing - you don't necessarily have to be.  I am humbled that many of you inbox me and let me know specific issues - because that is a part of the healing process - talking it out.  I am indeed an advocate for "talking it out" BUT not to constantly "re-live" the experience without eventually seeking the ability to take tiny steps forward to a more meaningful future.

To rehearse "what happened" will make you remember so vividly the incident.  Domestic abuse - against many definitions is NOT just the moment of impact - it is the lingering memories - scars - and for some a somber visit to a graveyard.  You alone will know when you are healed of your incident of having a broken heart.  No one will have to send you an email to say that you have recovered.  You will not have flowers sent to your job to prove to you that you are healed.  YOU JUST KNOW.  Too often, even in church, we massage our pain and cover it up into a religious experience (shouting, praise & worship, giving an offering, etc.).  So am I saying you can go to church and go back home unchanged, ABSOLUTELY YES!  I did it.

I was once afraid to look people directly in the eyes.  Even in a romantic interlude when gazing across a table during a candle lit dinner - eye contact was not going to happen for me!!  You see, I always thought that the eyes were the window of the soul and I did not want anyone to "see" what I imagined was behind my eyes.  "Could they see my tears" - "Could they see the invisible scars on my heart"?  Those kinds of questions used to haunt me until one day I decided to just let it go and LIVE.  I became brave and released myself to God's hand and eventually God healed me.  Was it easy - NO - but was it worth it - Heck, YES!

Wisdom comes with time.  Wisdom also comes from a diligent relationship with God.  Have you ever met an "old fool".  I mean someone mature enough to "know better"?  On the other hand, have you ever met someone young who had wisdom beyond their age?  Maturity is not a number.  I know for myself, I have been foolish - but it was some of the foolish tings that I have done (and survived from) that made me wise.

For today, do not count yourself out for not being 100%.  Perhaps you "really are" 100% but you are not giving yourself credit for your challenges.  Look at you sitting there all strong and everything.  There are people that hate you and they are disguised as friends and family because they don't know how you are still going considering the "bag of tricks" the enemy sent against you BUT you still seem to "take a licking and keep on ticking"!!

In case no one has told you that they are proud of you - well I AM PROUD OF YOU!

Keep one foot in front of the other.  You are growing and you probably can't even see it.  Turn around and look in the mirror one more time before you leave the house and say "Who is that beautiful person looking at me".... blush if you have to and say - that is ME!!

Since tomorrow is not promised - make today the best you can.  Create a memory in today that is so wonderful tomorrow gets jealous!!

Keep fighting the good fight of faith!  As long as God is on board - you are gonna win!!


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