Kiss Your Past Good-Bye....

Are you intimate with something or someone that is dead?

NECROPHILIA nec·ro·phil·ia  noun \ˌnek-rə-ˈfil-ē-ə\  (Medical dictionary): obsession with and usually erotic interest in or stimulation by corpses.  Okay then, Webster's Dictionary defines a corpse as noun \ˈkȯrps\: a dead body.  For this writing, a corpse is not a physical body as much as it is ANYTHING that is dead and needs to be buried. Let's face it, we likely know when a relationship is dead - it is just the willingness to accept it and let go or leave it.   To think that we can "change" someone is a foolish waste of time.  While we grieve the natural death of someone, we cry endless tears over the clry replica of what they once were and none of our tears will ever bring them back.  Heartbroken, nothing will bring them back. They are absolutely gone.  It is not likely in our culture that we should take this corpse home for any purposeful reason.  Morticians embalm this corpse so that the once living organs will not rot and the stench of it fuel the space.  Why oh, why then do we emotionally pick up the dead corpse of our past and seek to raise that which is dead back to life?  Unconsciously, we get to a place where we are intimate with something that is dead.  We unfortunately continue to carry around that which is dead.  Either consciously or unconsciously, we sit down to eat with a relationship that is dead.  We can find ourselves evoking emotional and financial energy in a dead relationship.  Secret to self:  we actually know that it is dead but we drag it around with us anyway. This dead corpse of our past even gets in bed with us and we wake up with it either in bitter awe that “this cannot “really” be happening to me”. Sometimes we shake this dead corpse of a relationship and even try to reason with it - but let’s face it – it is dead.  Our best friends don't know that we are in a chronic state of nursing a dead corpse because it is too close to us - and we don't want "them" to see it.  We have systematically learned how to carry on our lives with the secret dead corpse of a relationship following us around like a monkey on our back. And never seek to eulogize it.  Note to self:  If you do not kill that which is dead - that dead (stench of your past) will ruin your future.  You have got to kill it - because it is killing you.  The dead corpse has no intellect but it is sucking the life blood out of you.   If you don’t watch the signs and get this dead corpse of a past off of your back, YOU will become but a fragment of your own self-worth - because you have become incapable of giving your dead and stinking corpse of a past a proper and yet fitting farewell it so deserves.  I once read a quote from Zig Ziglar that states:  Deep inside you is more strength than you have ever known.  Let’s harness that energy of strength and kiss this past good-bye.  

I am throwing out this life line.  

Give a funeral to your past.  

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