Be the Lighthouse in Someones Storm.
I wanted to send out a sincere "Thank You" for exercising your own freedom through "Deborah's Freedom". This venue has been critical to my own healing process. I have chosen posts that speak to ME first - and hopefully they will impact you in a positive manner as well.
The benchmark of "Deborah's Freedom" was healing from domestic abuse but later discovered through many that have contacted me hurt is universal. Hurt is not divided by cultures, ethnicity, geography or gender... and the list goes on. I have also learned how easy it is to "keep your pain inside" and develop trust issues based on the "last person that hurt you" or the "last incident that seemed to change your life". I now desire to be stronger and wiser in spite of the adversity.
A few weeks ago my brother AND my mother passed away. Losing them was one thing - processing the loss is another. Therefore I write. I write to you. I am seeking a healthy grieving process and at the same time I want to use who I am and who I am becoming with you. Maybe, just maybe you will not make some of the mistakes I did.
I am returning to the person I was BEFORE the abuse or the loss. I honor my family members who have transitioned to Glory by being here for you through wisdom of my own life and sharing these tidbits of growth with you. I am taking the walls down. The walls I built kept people out 'cause I declared "that won't happen to me again" - but unfortunately the same walls kept ME inside. I am coming back out again... and I am loving me.
We are a weary generation. Everyone wants to HOPE again, let us choose to HOPE again by walking outside the boundaries we set to "protect" ourselves. There is something in you- a pearl of wisdom perhaps that someone needs to know. Everyone has a story. The steps of your journey may be different than mine but we all wish someone could "take a walk in our shoes" - wouldn't they be surprised at what you have overcome!!
The best is yet to come.
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