You WILL Make It..

Not knowing what to do when you know something needs to be done is daunting.  Thing is, usually we really don't know the next step.  Once you KNOW you gotta do "something" there is a survivor instinct that kicks in  Yeah, fear raises its ugly head but once it comes down to - it is either me or you - choose YOU.  This is the time when you cannot even take one day it a time - it comes down to taking one second at at a time, one minute at a time, one hour at a time.  The whole picture towards Deborah's Freedom was uncertain - many of the people I know have not idea until now that I even charted uncertain territory.  I am calling out the survivors, because I am one.  We have work to do.  Today I extend my hand and my heart to you.  You WILL make it.   I look back and see how far I came and I made it.  You will too.   


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