Justice IS NOT being served.

When seeking to "connect the dots" - the common denominator is the judicial system.  Because the definition of abuse is so unclear, abuse is not recognized and seen within the light of somoene that is going through it.  Let's take the Bill Cosby case for example.  Independent of whether or not anything "really" happened with he and his accusers or not one must beg to ask questions outside of the realm of this being a case involving a high visibility individual.  There are victims here that did not get a voice.  Put ALL of these same women in a room and listen to their stores and not one representative for them all.  Maybe NOTHING happened but the jury deliberated longer with this case than with cases of police misconduct when there is video evidence of an error having occurred.  

Somehow, the "dots need to be connected".  There are countless numbers of women who have fallen prey to sexual abuse, mental abuse, psychological abuse, abuse of power, domestic abuse and ultimately domestic violence EVEN THOUGH they used all vehicles within the judicial system to seek remedy for their problem.  Once a woman (or man) finds the courage to ask for help usually a LOT has already happened in the background.  

I pray that one day there is a revolution of survivors who will rally to get the scales of justice level again.  Let the punishment fit the crime.  Not one more case of abuse should be on the evening news nestled between weather and sports without an outcry - particularly if the system designed to help failed.  

Survivors I salute you!  If you are in a bad situation - I am throwing out a life line to you.  Been there - done that - I am here for YOU.  


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