“First giving honor to God, who is the head of my life. To the pastor, first lady, all the ministers, deacons, mothers, missionaries, saints & friends…”
Years ago, it was rather "common" to go to church and embrace "Testimony Service"! What an exciting and emotionally charged atmosphere when someone would stand to give HONOR to God, how God brought them THROUGH and encouragement of God's goodness! Talking about tambourine playing, dancing in the aisles and pouring of sweat - that you did not even "feel" because - in the moment - this was the opiate of PRAISE!
Each person that stands to testify (generally) gives a song, an inspiring story, shares a prayer request, exhorts the congregation, introduces THEMSELVES, unburdens themselves from the struggle of the week and allows the entire community of God's people to laugh with them, to cry with them, rejoice with them and YES, even "roll their eyes at them"!
These OUTWARD confessions of the INWARD transformations could exude from the sensible to the mundane and could become exhausting if the "Testimony Leader" did not take control! It is NOT uncommon to "hear" things that may have been best to be kept to oneself! "-) Nonetheless, this was a time where God was feared and the Mother of the church was still respected.
Boy, oh, boy - have times changed!!
The cultural affects of the "church experience" has also taken a LOT away from how we "approach the Throne". It is vitally IMPORTANT to recognize our King of King! With the onset of thousands of variations the Bible and religions becoming a "dime a dozen" - it is prudent to keep the "main thing - the main thing". DESTINATION: HEAVEN.
It would be utterly WRONG of me to suggest that one religion or place of worship is "better" than another. Our relationship with God is so PERSONAL. God leads us into all truths (John 16:13). WE as the community of just have to "listen".
As a NEW BELIEVER, I vividly recall how CONFUSED I was. I grew up in a time where "large earrings" and a dress "above my knees" was a sure rocket to HELL. Going to the movies, and holding hands with someone you met (at the church) was grounds for being held on the altar for hours for repentance of my sin. Let's talk about hair for a minute too! To put a chemical (like a relaxer) forbidden! To talk back to your parents was grounds for your parent to "slap the fire" out of you - in the sanctuary! (Kinda funny, isn't it) :-) The strictness of protocol was designed to help us (as young people) walk "UPRIGHT" before the Lord but human nature seemingly urged one to want ANYTHING BUT THIS! The strongest of those who was able to make "sense" of this maze of "rules and regulation" was "still" left with moments of "scratching your head". Thing is - preached about a "BURNING HELL" as though you could envision it! We were genuinely SCARED to sin! Sounds funny, but it is TRUE!
The lack of honoring hte "fear of God" has cascaded our church experience into "something that we do on Sunday". Seems like "fewer" lives are genuinely CHANGED - even though many ATTEND CHURCH every Sunday! Note to self: We are NOT doing God a FAVOR by "going to church"! The "feel good sermon" and "geing good to our neighbor" are good - but the devil was at church too. The devil sat on the pew with you and does not give a "flip" that you were THERE! It is the "changed" life that the devil challenges. The slow, seduction into SIN and still go to church is real and it is evident in the loss of RESPECT for HOLY THINGS.
Which brings me to the post and subject matter that is near and dear to my heart.
People LACK the near and dear ability to be TRUTHFUL - in church. There are people who will USE your faults AGAINST YOU! Tell the "wrong" Pastor (.... yeah, I said it) - tell the wrong Pastor that your weakness was a sexual sin and you will find an affair in the offing. The very vulnerable and often trusting "new believer" is seeking guidance from a bunch of "lukewarm" Christians who are exploiting innocent people - and sometimes damaging them for LIFE!!
New believers are already aware of the devil's devices - heck, they have danced with him! In comes "Rev. LUKEWARM" with a few "half-scriptures and that (imaginary) NEON SIGN on your head of vulnerability - and I think I smell disaster. In fact, some of the most DAMAGED PEOPLE i have met - are those hurt at the hands of people they have trusted! Maybe the one who "HURT" them was in a "flashy" robe or well starched suit. May be "they" had a title of influence and a few scriptures under their belt. Maybe "this person" gave a "parking lot prophecy" and in ones innocent desire to begin to follow Christ - the "new believer" was horrifically damaged! (oh, yes ---- I've been there)!! These "lukewarm" Christians will be quick to tell you all the books of the Bible and how long they have "walked with God" but if you pay attention - real closely - they have not been "dipped the pool of righteousness since 1960!! Their last touch of the Spirit was when Dwight D Eisenhower was President! I am grateful that "they" had a "touch" from God - but is an "ever present help in the time of trouble" (Psalms 46:1). God is relevant! I am glad this "lukewarm" person got a DIP - but I think they need to go and DIP again!!
If "their" go to scripture is John 11:35 - "JESUS WEPT" - I'd say run!
Revelation 3:15 says - "So then because thou art lukewarm, and NEITHER cold or hot, I will SPEW
thee out of my mouth". Period. No wait - further exasperating the "lukewarm" experience is the various translations of the Bible! I fully understand the "concept" of bring "clarity" to the written word but it can also bring confusion! Seems like churches have given more of a place to everything EXCEPT for the foundation truths to be found in the bible - it just "depends" on which bible translation one uses. Kindly ask GOD - directly - to give YOU revelation of HIS WORD. No need to produce "another bible" - just make your request personal. "God what are YOU teaching me through YOUR Word". He will tell you. It will not be "spooky" or "frighten" you. Let God speak to YOUR heart. Believe me - there are LOTS of Bible believing churches - it is just that "few" lukewarm "saint" that can make your new walk with Christ a living nightmare!! WATCH OUT!! If this "lukewarm" person of ht ecloth calls you "son or daughter" sometimes they are seeking to "own" you. The "best" tricks are played when you are vulnerable.Yes, take that "walk of faith" - but do not relinquish your intellect and your "gut feelings" - as you grow in the things of God - we call it DISCERNMENT!!
Now let it ALSO be said, I FULLY RESPECT the Elder Men and Women of the church! Their wisdom spans time and it does not take long after being in their presence that they have "spent time before The Father"!! Oh, Glory!! Those that can "ray you through"!! Those that can guide you through prayer and authentically help you to grow. I have been uncommonly FORTUNATE to meet SEVERAL people like that - and they have changed my life in ways I cannot begin to say.
It is DEM lukewarm ones you gotta watch out for! You will know them by their fruits. (Matthew 7:16). Don't leave your "common sense" on the pew when you go up for prayer. By the time prayer is enlisted (in a "structured" service when God not not "always" invited) - there is an "emotional frenzy" involved. Take your "tears" and "chill bumps" and your intellect with you church!! Talk to God about what you are to give even. The bible is clear about giving - don't be manipulated in a "moment" and feel that the only way God will talk to you is if you put "$1,000" in the hand of a wayward prophet. God speaks to me for FREE everyday!! Hold it now - there are LOTS of people walking in CREDIBLE offices of prophetic! We sometimes get so "desperate" for a "quick fix" that we believe what we want to believe. CHILL.
The older "lukewarm" Christians should be concerned about the "BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS" (Ephesians 33:11). Some "lukewarm" Christians are IN THE WAY - rather than being IN THE WAY (of the cross). I can respect someone MORE by "pointing me in the right direction" than to damage me on the journey. A "damaged" Christian is cut deeper than the sin they came out of!! If YOU were with Moses when the RED SEA parted, I assure you that God has done other miracles since then! My own life is nothing short of a MIRACLE!!
Time and space will not adequately encapsulate the "INNOCENT" DANGERS from the pulpit to the door. We must "WATCH AS WELL AS PRAY"! (Matthew 25:41).
If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck - IT SHO AIN'T a flamingo!
Years ago, it was rather "common" to go to church and embrace "Testimony Service"! What an exciting and emotionally charged atmosphere when someone would stand to give HONOR to God, how God brought them THROUGH and encouragement of God's goodness! Talking about tambourine playing, dancing in the aisles and pouring of sweat - that you did not even "feel" because - in the moment - this was the opiate of PRAISE!
Each person that stands to testify (generally) gives a song, an inspiring story, shares a prayer request, exhorts the congregation, introduces THEMSELVES, unburdens themselves from the struggle of the week and allows the entire community of God's people to laugh with them, to cry with them, rejoice with them and YES, even "roll their eyes at them"!
These OUTWARD confessions of the INWARD transformations could exude from the sensible to the mundane and could become exhausting if the "Testimony Leader" did not take control! It is NOT uncommon to "hear" things that may have been best to be kept to oneself! "-) Nonetheless, this was a time where God was feared and the Mother of the church was still respected.
Boy, oh, boy - have times changed!!
The cultural affects of the "church experience" has also taken a LOT away from how we "approach the Throne". It is vitally IMPORTANT to recognize our King of King! With the onset of thousands of variations the Bible and religions becoming a "dime a dozen" - it is prudent to keep the "main thing - the main thing". DESTINATION: HEAVEN.
It would be utterly WRONG of me to suggest that one religion or place of worship is "better" than another. Our relationship with God is so PERSONAL. God leads us into all truths (John 16:13). WE as the community of just have to "listen".
As a NEW BELIEVER, I vividly recall how CONFUSED I was. I grew up in a time where "large earrings" and a dress "above my knees" was a sure rocket to HELL. Going to the movies, and holding hands with someone you met (at the church) was grounds for being held on the altar for hours for repentance of my sin. Let's talk about hair for a minute too! To put a chemical (like a relaxer) forbidden! To talk back to your parents was grounds for your parent to "slap the fire" out of you - in the sanctuary! (Kinda funny, isn't it) :-) The strictness of protocol was designed to help us (as young people) walk "UPRIGHT" before the Lord but human nature seemingly urged one to want ANYTHING BUT THIS! The strongest of those who was able to make "sense" of this maze of "rules and regulation" was "still" left with moments of "scratching your head". Thing is - preached about a "BURNING HELL" as though you could envision it! We were genuinely SCARED to sin! Sounds funny, but it is TRUE!
The lack of honoring hte "fear of God" has cascaded our church experience into "something that we do on Sunday". Seems like "fewer" lives are genuinely CHANGED - even though many ATTEND CHURCH every Sunday! Note to self: We are NOT doing God a FAVOR by "going to church"! The "feel good sermon" and "geing good to our neighbor" are good - but the devil was at church too. The devil sat on the pew with you and does not give a "flip" that you were THERE! It is the "changed" life that the devil challenges. The slow, seduction into SIN and still go to church is real and it is evident in the loss of RESPECT for HOLY THINGS.
Which brings me to the post and subject matter that is near and dear to my heart.
People LACK the near and dear ability to be TRUTHFUL - in church. There are people who will USE your faults AGAINST YOU! Tell the "wrong" Pastor (.... yeah, I said it) - tell the wrong Pastor that your weakness was a sexual sin and you will find an affair in the offing. The very vulnerable and often trusting "new believer" is seeking guidance from a bunch of "lukewarm" Christians who are exploiting innocent people - and sometimes damaging them for LIFE!!
New believers are already aware of the devil's devices - heck, they have danced with him! In comes "Rev. LUKEWARM" with a few "half-scriptures and that (imaginary) NEON SIGN on your head of vulnerability - and I think I smell disaster. In fact, some of the most DAMAGED PEOPLE i have met - are those hurt at the hands of people they have trusted! Maybe the one who "HURT" them was in a "flashy" robe or well starched suit. May be "they" had a title of influence and a few scriptures under their belt. Maybe "this person" gave a "parking lot prophecy" and in ones innocent desire to begin to follow Christ - the "new believer" was horrifically damaged! (oh, yes ---- I've been there)!! These "lukewarm" Christians will be quick to tell you all the books of the Bible and how long they have "walked with God" but if you pay attention - real closely - they have not been "dipped the pool of righteousness since 1960!! Their last touch of the Spirit was when Dwight D Eisenhower was President! I am grateful that "they" had a "touch" from God - but is an "ever present help in the time of trouble" (Psalms 46:1). God is relevant! I am glad this "lukewarm" person got a DIP - but I think they need to go and DIP again!!
If "their" go to scripture is John 11:35 - "JESUS WEPT" - I'd say run!
Revelation 3:15 says - "So then because thou art lukewarm, and NEITHER cold or hot, I will SPEW
thee out of my mouth". Period. No wait - further exasperating the "lukewarm" experience is the various translations of the Bible! I fully understand the "concept" of bring "clarity" to the written word but it can also bring confusion! Seems like churches have given more of a place to everything EXCEPT for the foundation truths to be found in the bible - it just "depends" on which bible translation one uses. Kindly ask GOD - directly - to give YOU revelation of HIS WORD. No need to produce "another bible" - just make your request personal. "God what are YOU teaching me through YOUR Word". He will tell you. It will not be "spooky" or "frighten" you. Let God speak to YOUR heart. Believe me - there are LOTS of Bible believing churches - it is just that "few" lukewarm "saint" that can make your new walk with Christ a living nightmare!! WATCH OUT!! If this "lukewarm" person of ht ecloth calls you "son or daughter" sometimes they are seeking to "own" you. The "best" tricks are played when you are vulnerable.Yes, take that "walk of faith" - but do not relinquish your intellect and your "gut feelings" - as you grow in the things of God - we call it DISCERNMENT!!
Now let it ALSO be said, I FULLY RESPECT the Elder Men and Women of the church! Their wisdom spans time and it does not take long after being in their presence that they have "spent time before The Father"!! Oh, Glory!! Those that can "ray you through"!! Those that can guide you through prayer and authentically help you to grow. I have been uncommonly FORTUNATE to meet SEVERAL people like that - and they have changed my life in ways I cannot begin to say.
It is DEM lukewarm ones you gotta watch out for! You will know them by their fruits. (Matthew 7:16). Don't leave your "common sense" on the pew when you go up for prayer. By the time prayer is enlisted (in a "structured" service when God not not "always" invited) - there is an "emotional frenzy" involved. Take your "tears" and "chill bumps" and your intellect with you church!! Talk to God about what you are to give even. The bible is clear about giving - don't be manipulated in a "moment" and feel that the only way God will talk to you is if you put "$1,000" in the hand of a wayward prophet. God speaks to me for FREE everyday!! Hold it now - there are LOTS of people walking in CREDIBLE offices of prophetic! We sometimes get so "desperate" for a "quick fix" that we believe what we want to believe. CHILL.
The older "lukewarm" Christians should be concerned about the "BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS" (Ephesians 33:11). Some "lukewarm" Christians are IN THE WAY - rather than being IN THE WAY (of the cross). I can respect someone MORE by "pointing me in the right direction" than to damage me on the journey. A "damaged" Christian is cut deeper than the sin they came out of!! If YOU were with Moses when the RED SEA parted, I assure you that God has done other miracles since then! My own life is nothing short of a MIRACLE!!
Time and space will not adequately encapsulate the "INNOCENT" DANGERS from the pulpit to the door. We must "WATCH AS WELL AS PRAY"! (Matthew 25:41).
If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck - IT SHO AIN'T a flamingo!
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