What You See "IS" What You Get!
The overwhelming sense of humility and gratitude I feel to be able to communicate with so many peple on "Deborah's Freedom" is almost overwhelming! Technology has afforded me (and countless others) an opportunity to sow into the lives of others. This is a gift I find PRICELESS. People access "Deborah's Freedom" from different venues, FaceBook, Instagram, GMAIL, Messenger and of course, through this BLOG.
Recently, I posted posted this dialogue on FaceBook and Instqgram. Due to an overwhelming response, I thought it should be available on this BLOG as well. Sometimes we walk into the lives of people and it is just a "chapter" - the book of their life is not quite finished. Be careful - do not judge people according to YOUR standards of living. Maybe, just maybe - they are waiting to "turn the page" themselves and start a new chapter in their own journey. Maybe - just maybe - "What you see is what you get". #DISCERNMENT.
Here is your "Instant Replay".......Enjoy!!
Recently, I posted posted this dialogue on FaceBook and Instqgram. Due to an overwhelming response, I thought it should be available on this BLOG as well. Sometimes we walk into the lives of people and it is just a "chapter" - the book of their life is not quite finished. Be careful - do not judge people according to YOUR standards of living. Maybe, just maybe - they are waiting to "turn the page" themselves and start a new chapter in their own journey. Maybe - just maybe - "What you see is what you get". #DISCERNMENT.
Here is your "Instant Replay".......Enjoy!!
Those that have been following "Deborah's Freedom" for any length of time understand that Sunday is compartmentalized - I will post as normal but unable to provide my personal commentary until after church and certainly not before consulting God. To this end, I was subconsciously awaiting quiet time to respond to this one. " "Potential" is easy to obtain but not always easy to maintain.
Maya Angelou eloquently stated "When people show you who they really are - believe them - the first time". The true nature of people generally do not change. Kinda like the old phrase "a tiger does not change it's stripes". I am an avid advocate for "self-help" initiatives and many are remarkably successful but not all are a cure. It takes hard work to put familiar traits to rest. In this fast paced society, people don't take dedicated time to listen to their own heart. We are predisposed to becoming what is popular. Fads and trends change and if you are not fully in touch with your own sense of oneness with yourself, you will be like a flag flapping on a flag pole on a windy day. Whatever the wind blows - there we go. We all have a moral compass. Just make sure that the people you choose in your life are all headed in the same direction.
Let's look at the dictionary expression of the word "potential": :having or showing the capacity to become or develop into something in the future". The word "something" is where I want to land for a minute. Who determines what the "something is"? Our lives are carefully crafted by God. That "something" that may NOT satisfy one person my easily be the one "something" that will make someone else complete. I do NOT dismiss the flaws and imperfections of others because we are all uniquely (and beautifully) made. We choose to change our hair color, our eye color, the house we live in or the car we drive (for instance....) to meet social constructs but at the end of the day - who are YOU on the inside? That very "something" is perfectly crafted for someone - even if it is NOT you.
Not everyone we meet is designed to be interviewed for our future ( marriage material, perhaps). We meet people for a season, a reason or a lifetime. Determining where people fit in our scheme of life will save a lot of heartache. Could it be that we meet some people to "unlock potential" in us - and conversely, maybe YOU are designed to "unlock potential" in them?
Let's consider a few different definitions of love:
Agape — Unconditional Love. First, we have agape love. .
Eros — Romanic Love. ...Philia — Affectionate Love. ...
Philautia — Self-love. ...Storge — Familiar Love. ...
Pragma — Enduring Love
Agape — Unconditional Love. First, we have agape love. .
Eros — Romanic Love. ...Philia — Affectionate Love. ...
Philautia — Self-love. ...Storge — Familiar Love. ...
Pragma — Enduring Love
Could it be that we could be looking for or expecting people to give love by our own definition and they ARE GIVING LOVE - just not the love you think you need? Maybe their capacity to love is only mature in ONE level and we become critical of their place in our lives but they ARE authentically giving - just not on the level we may expect?
One of the biggest mistakes we can offer to our lives is wanting to CHANGE anyone. I assure you - you cannot easily do it. You can NOT love anyone enough to cure their own inner rage. You cannot "reason" with someone that is genuinely incompatible to you - I don't care how much you "love" them. God in His infinite wisdom has so perfectly created that ONE person that is PERFECT for you and only you. We as humans are afraid to be alone. It is in this time of being alone that we learn ourselves. Once the core of our own existence is dealt with - THEN - we are ready to SHARE our lives. At that point, there is no competition, no jealousy, no cheating, no domestic violence, no "second guessing" because YOU know the necessary energies and vibrations that are within YOU and nothing else and no one else will satisfy. It is not uncommon for people to cheat and become otherwise unfaithful because they are still looking for that "missing element" - within themselves.
My opinion is - if you feel you are "waiting for someone to change" - your wait is in vain. It is prudent for people to become the best version of themselves but who has the pen - you - or them? If you seek to change people before they are ready to change or if they see nothing wrong with who they are- they will likely have a sense of resentment towards YOU.
I can be totally wrong - of course. I make no no expectations of others. Do I "wish" people close in my circle of concern were "different" sometimes - but I am not in control of "their" happiness.
Truthfully, what you see IS what you get.
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