You have probably heard that phrase "the road to hell is paved with good intentions", haven't you?  The narratives on this subject are many by philanthropists, religious leaders, theologians and the greatest minds of our time.  When it comes down to it, There is absolutely NO value in simply planning to do good if you don't actually do it".

Most everyone knows someone who has pitched a "get rich quick" scheme.  To the credit of the person making the pitch to "get rich quick" - it can actually sound credible - until you listen just a little harder.  I generally want to see how the "pitch" is working for them.  If they rode a bicycle over to my home and want me to see how easy it is to buy a car with a zero interest rate - we have a little bit of a problem.  Similarly it is with weight loss regiments - if YOU are struggling with pounds - it is difficult to convince me that your product weighs in on its announcement of success.  If the "pitch person" is in line for food stamps and they want me to believe in 60 days I can abe wealthy - I gotta raise an eyebrow or something.

While success (or lack of) can be a very silent thread because not everyone NEEDS to know your financial posture, putting actions behind your words gets my attention.  There is absolutely nothing wrong with moving slow towards your goal - ask a turtle.  The objective is the destination!!

Church is another platform that offers a sense of confusion.   Seems like the ultimate destination is not making Heaven our home as it is having a "microphone moment".  To be clear - there is NOTHING WRONG with the calling behind the sacred desk with the microphone BUT our LIFE is a steady ministry that people watch everyday.  We have spiraled into different sects, assemblies and belief systems and teh non-believer does not know what to believe!  What happened to the objective of winning souls to the Kingdom?  We have created such a "pomp and circumstance" in church it is "lights, camera and action" with the focus LESS given to functional and foundation to the new believer.  Seems everyone wants a title - but fails to adhere to the responsibility the title requires of them.  We set aside "special seating" for those wearing badges but don't allow GOD inside the building.  On the other side of the equation, we dance in the aisles, run around the church and speak in tongues and will CUSS the parking lot people out - and have parking lot prophecies about the pastor and his wife and say "didn't we have a time at church today".  But was God there?  The CHURCH movement has LOST its savor (and a lot of respect) over the years and the church as a benchmark of the society has diminished,   Don't get me wrong, there are still a lot of churches and assemblies holding up the Blood Stained Banner for hte Lord BUT - let's admit it - since the onset of "Mega-Churches" and the need to make people "feel good" (instead of having a change of heart (repentance)) - "Church" is nothing short of a glorified country club!  The altar call is WONDERFUL and great to boast of the "numbers" of people who came forth BUT how many of these people actually come back into a true RELATIONSHIP with God.  The VISITATION brought some tears, put a band-aid on their problem, a few chill bumps and a moment of reflection towards "good intentions" but we serve a God of HABITATION.  This is not a "ONE-NIGHT STAND"!  Peole who can spew scriptures and recite the address of said scripture USED TO impress me - but do your actions line up with your mouth?  Listen, how much sexual immorality can we stand from the pulpit before God cries from His Holy Throne.  The oil of the anointing flows DOWN from the head (leadership).  The aura, the essence and the spirit of the leadership is corrupting the flock.  What a horrible reality to stand before God and that "BIG SCREEN" has to reveal the sexual immorality, mishandling of money, infidelity, mockery, motivational ministry - done allin the name of God and YET end up in a BURNING HELL!  So little is said anymore about the PREPARED PLACE CALLED HELL!   People dance around the church about the likelihood if they "perform" it will get them closer to the Gates of Pearl.  RUBBISH! What an awful waste of time on earth to pretend to serve a Living Savior and yet hear the one we only "talked about" and not authentically lived for to say DEPART FROM ME - I KNOW YOU NOT.  I have been "IN CHURCH" ****ALL*** of my life.  I believe I have seen everything.  OH.... I am NOT critical - it just amazes me what we do and call it GOD.  It is no wonder why the earth is moaning and groaning - we have forgottn how to go to our secret closet and call upon The King.  No, I am not talking about an organized prayer time where we try to OUT-PRAY someone or pray louder or longer than the next person - are you serious?  If you have not lived long enough - keep on living - life will HIT you so hard - you call cry in your car while driving.  Welcome to the days when you cry and soak your pillow - just to have to turn it over and cry some more.  It begs to ask the question is this the devil after me?  On the contrary - it just might be God trying to get your attention.  Just once - ask - "Gid what are you trying to teach me in this situation?"  The likelihood is great that HE will answer you - but it may NOT be the answer you want!!

Don't get me wrong ACTIONS "do" speak louder than words.  Let's consider actions in an opposite frame for a minute.  Some very intentional actions are cause collateral damage.  Yeah, you know people who have done things ON PURPOSE to hurt you don't you?  I cannot stand a LIAR!  (for instance).  I feel like a lie is a deliberate action on the part of an intelligent person to evade a truth that WILL eventually surface.  I don't care how well you disguise the truty - truth will raise its head and prove every lie and has the capacity to destry the liar.  To this end, ACTIONS can be deceiving.  #DISCERNMENT!!

As a single-woman it is painful to hear (some) single-women degrade me who are not int  the "corner office" of a Fortune 500 company.  Show me a bus driver, a trash collector or a mechanic (for instance) with character and I will also show you a good man that is willing to go an extra mile to support himself and his family!!  Keep your ego and your bank account if you will USE that power against your intended.  The reverse is true as well.  We are in a culture where women can (and do) make more than men in some cases.  The women can be EVIL!  "I am woman hear me roar" - and demonstrate qualities which diminish the masculinity of their man (and do it with full knowledge of their actions)!!  I have communicated with HUNDREDS of broken men and it is sad because the male psyche was built to be the hunter and WOMEN are reversing the roles!  I am a full believer in being assertive - but not aggressive.  What a beautiful specimen we are as WOMEN.  Even women working "non-traditional jobs for women" - BRAVO! .... at the end of hte day, however, check your "plumbing" - you are still a woman.  Be the best woman you can be!  OKAY, there are people in gender associations different from what they were bon - I don't argue points because the debate will be settled in eternity - just be the best of what you are to who you are with.  Do your actions line up with your intentions?

The premise of this dialogue is "ACTIONS ALWAYS BEATS INTENTIONS" and this remains to be true.  If you do nothing - nothing happens.  Pure and simple.  Conversely, don't complain about what is NOT HAPPENING in or around your life if you are doing absolutely nothing.  Get your HUSTLE engaged and do SOMETHING.  I mean, who knew I had the gift of verbal expression?  I did - but I did not know what to do with it.  So.. what happened?  Life happened that's what.  My pain pivoted me into my purpose and WOOLAH, here I am - there you are - and the marriage of thought, comprehension and kindrid conversation was birthed.

Listen, I do not know everything - and I do not pretend to BUT the things I do know - I know.  I don't make excuses or apologies for my life journey.  This adventure of life has been painful beyond words but on the other hand it has been AMAZING.   The audience of people I have been blessed with has humbled me and put me BACK on my knees because I must consult God before I engage in dialgue of serious nature.  God MUST be glorified otherwise the dialogue is pointless.  My opinions are not going to being further negative impact so if I keep my ear to God's heart and be sensitive and non-judgmental on behalf of the one who sent me - it is a "WIN-WIN" situation.  My actions MUST line up with HIS PURPOSE for my life.  See what I mean?

What are your ACTIONS saying about you?  People ARE LOOKING.  People DO judge a book by its cover?  Are you still "YOU" are you a "copy cat" version of someone else?  You were uniquely created for a specific role you are to play.  You are not a "supporting actress/actor" in life.  No award from the Academy for imitating someone else.  We WILL answer to a much higher calling.  It is an inescapable truth that one day we will ALL stand alone and give account of our lives.  Will you end up in the "smoking" or "non-smoking" section of eternity?  The choice is ALL YOURS.

Seemingly, we have become so preoccupied with HOW we are going to get to Heaven.  Is it the vehicle called "Pentecostal"? Maybe it is "Methodist"?  Is it "Lutheran"?  Is it "Catholic"?  Is it Greek Orthodox"?  (all these are examples only .... nothing against the religions, okay?).....   The objective is to make Heaven our home.  If graced with the INCREDIBLE opportunity to meet Oprah Winfrey (for instance) .... one may consider air travel, railroad, driving or the real adventurer may wanna walk, the objective is just getting to where she is... right?  Try to not be so consumed in HOW you are going to get to Heaven as much as you make concrete plans through your lifestyle that is pleasing to God.

I want God to say "WELL DONE'!   Being liked (or not liked by "people") pale in comparison to the sure knowledge that I lived a life pleasing to God.  "PEOPLE" are fickle - you can give them the shirt off your back and they will be mad cause you did not take your britches off too.  If you seek to please peole - you are wasting your time.  *you can "Thank Me Later" for that*!

Make today fabulous!!

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