Your Setback is a Set Up.....
If you are anything like me, you probably don't like cliche', hopeful words or phrases that would dare to say that your situation is going to change especially when all of the cards seem to be stacked AGAINST you. I have actually sat in services at church and the pastor has spoken so eloquently about a "come back" after a "set up" and literally yawned. Inside of me I was screaming, you have NO IDEA WHAT IS GOING ON INSIDE OF ME. Further yelling inside of myself AM I THE ONLY ONE IN HERE THAT IS SUFFERING. Truth is, lots of people are suffering, we just choose to channel how we react to it differently. We are a community of humans that have learned how to (sometimes) mask the authentic posture of our existence to best become what people "want us to be". "Those" people are not around when you get home and take off your "mask" and you have to get real with the person looking back at you in the mirror.
Today, I am embracing every survivor. Male or Female. People survive things I cannot imagine while people that meet me cannot imagine that I have survived what I have. The common denominator is that we all survived. It is my intent to hold the hands of others to help them feel empowered while they are going through what they are getting through. Never, I mean never, judge anyone's breakthrough until you know what they have been through!!
Have you ever considered that your set back is a set up? Have you ever considered that God closed some doors to protect you. God is not playing a game of "keep away" .... could it be that in HIS divine love for us - He is trying to direct us to HIS best. So when you have a setback, don't take it as a step back, because God is preparing you for a comeback. (might I say, I am preaching to myself on this too). :-)
It is not over - until God says it is over. God still has the final say.
I believe in you.
Today, I am embracing every survivor. Male or Female. People survive things I cannot imagine while people that meet me cannot imagine that I have survived what I have. The common denominator is that we all survived. It is my intent to hold the hands of others to help them feel empowered while they are going through what they are getting through. Never, I mean never, judge anyone's breakthrough until you know what they have been through!!
Have you ever considered that your set back is a set up? Have you ever considered that God closed some doors to protect you. God is not playing a game of "keep away" .... could it be that in HIS divine love for us - He is trying to direct us to HIS best. So when you have a setback, don't take it as a step back, because God is preparing you for a comeback. (might I say, I am preaching to myself on this too). :-)
It is not over - until God says it is over. God still has the final say.
I believe in you.
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