Secret Garden

When we open our heart we open it with sincere expectations to not get it broken.  We believe we weighted the possibilities and "covered our bases".  We tend to convince ourselves that "this is "the one I can feel safe with".  Ultimately, we NEVER image some of the consequences.  Some of the consequences are beyond our own wildest imaginations. 

Should a broken heart make us unable to open our hearts again? 

My opinion - NO. 

I have started "Deborah's Freedom" as a vehicle to open my heart again.  While my objective and mission is to help people through my own mistakes, it is also a healing process.  When I talk about or write about my past I do not cry anymore.  When I think of my past I look it as a lesson and not a curse. 

Welcome to my secret garden.

Okay, have I put up walls?  Well, heck yeah!

One of the many problems with putting up calls is that walls do protect your heart and keeps your secrets safe - but it also keeps people out.  If I am able to help just one person through my transparency, I won.  Walls are a form of protection and of course, your heart will NEVER be the same after it has been crushed there were some significant gains in the crisis of life. 

Were it not for the broken heart experience I would not have known I was so strong.  Had I not had a broken heart, I would not have known I had the ability to sit at the computer and bear my heart to strangers in an effort to authentically off my life experiences.  It was the pain of my broken heart that gave me maturity.  Do I hate all men because a man promised love and betrayed his promise....NO.  I am just more careful.  The right man will be mature enough to love me and more importantly "find me".  No dating sites for me (been there and done that - what a disaster!!).  Surely God in His infinite wisdom in making me can also cause a me to have a collision course with destiny and eventually we will meet.  Do I get lonely - Heck YES.  Do I process the fact that no one sent me flowers on Valentine's Day - I buy my own (for now). 

The secret garden of your heart SHOULD be guarded but you should be wise enough - or have gone through enough in life to know how to wait or at least be patient during the process.

A seed is planted in DIRT.  In the invisible process of time, the seed begins to grow.  Perhaps dirt has been thrown on you.  Use the dirt to grow.  Keep growing until you BLOOM.


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