Invisible Scars

It is highly likely that there is a group of people whose scars are visible reminders of the pain they have experienced.  There is another segment of people whose scars are deep wounds nestled in the corners of their mind.  If there was a police called to their residence, there is nothing visible to show as evidence in order to seek a legal remedy but emotional scars run deep. 

Now, it is not to say that physical scars are to be taken lightly.  I know women (and men) who have learned how to mask their scars with anything from make-up to a well defined tattoo.  It is good to erase the physical signs of abuse because the event should not define you but even in physical abuse, the memories linger - on and on and on - if you let it.  Not to say that you should forget what happened (as I was a victim of physical and emotional abuse).  Moreover, it is critical to live beyond "what happened" and focus on a brighter tomorrow.  If you cannot do it for you (if you are a parent) do it for your children - because they are watching you!!

In this forum of "Deborah's Freedom" I seek to be as transparent as it deems necessary to authentically help those who are suffering with their present situation or releasing themselves of horrible memories.  I DO NOT WANT **ANYONE** TO CRY AS MUCH AS I DID.  I am redeeming pieces of my live by helping those who visit this page.

Again, I am NOT the poster child for abuse, having a broken heart, mending an abused life or anything else.  I am confident that what I have been through will help others.  Maybe it is you.

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