As We Wait.....

For me, 2020 has NOT been the "Year of 20/20 Vision" I had anticipated it would be. The twists and turns defy anything I could have remotely imagined and - the year is NOT over yet. Given that the year has NOT ended gives me an undeniable HOPE that things WILL - or have the potential to get better! The definition of "better" varies depending on who you talk to - but similar to many others, let's say, 2020 is a year MOST will NEVER forget. The coronavirus keeps multiplying in degrees of concern. I am NOT an avid watcher of TV - but it is difficult to aoid snipets of dialogue on social media. I realize that "knowledge is power" - but "too much inforation" cannot be good for your "mental health" either. I "think" I have resigned myself to wanting to know - what I need to know - AND - to consider my sources. The "fake news' is harder and harder to decipherr and as it is with the power of words, sometimes it is difficult to separate the authentic from the "less than aughentic". To that end, I do not offer my opinions on subjects I do not fully understand. Surely, this has separated me from an entire segment of the population for my age group but it DOES offer me an undeniable peace of mind. I just do not believe that the WORLD events have caught God by surprise. Oh, yeah, I am feeling the effects of the quarrantines, 'lock-downs", the intense "panic buying" and fillig the "freezer" in case of a food shortage (and the list goes on) ... but at the end of the day - with all of hte natural systems in place - keeping my "Mind Right" is most important to me. "Doom and Gloom" theories swirl and if the public is not careful - panic can st in. Wearing a mask is mandatory for me - although I seek to limit my presence in large crowds - for "NOW" at least. I realize that "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure". Maybe it is more "better to be safe than to be sorry". I pray for people in professional fields and other "essenti workers" whos livelihood IS in the forefront of danger - whetherin the COID season or not. While many of the "brick and mortar" places of worship are not all open at this time - I also believe this is a time for EVERYONE to get closer to God. There are SOOOO many "titles" of religious venues - but there is still only one GOD and one HEAVEN. The idea of "I was Glad when they said unto me - let us go into the house of hte Lord" will take on a WHOLE NEW MEANING once we are able to attend the "church building" again!!! There is a purpose in this time of "change" - we - in our "finite" minds may NEVER understand what is going on - but agai - this time in history does NOT take God by surprise!! This is a short missive - considering how much I LOVE THE POWER OF WORDS. Just take heart. Make careful choices on who and what you listen to. Guard your mind. As we wait........


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