Your Heart - His Heart
In a society of "instant satisfaction" and "immediate gratification", the temptation to **SETTLE** is ever present. Technology has afforded us "instant news" - it is not uncommon that the public can "take a side on an issue" before the facts are filtered out and the truth actually comes forward. Many times it takes "TIME" for the authentic truth to be extracted but why wait when our thirsty souls want to know everything at the speed if sound. How about the meals that are in an "instant" form. Microwave meals are the trend because it is quick, it is easy and it is "instant". Right? Have we become a society that seeks to deter nutritional value in lieu of speed? The attraction of "speed" makes ME guilty of wanting my meal "NOW"! :-) There has seemingly been a moral shift of priorities. Do you remember when we were told to never talk to a stranger? Better yet, do you remember when we were told to never get int he car with a stranger? NOW, we can call UBER and get both a stranger and transportation at our beckoning call! Certainly, there is nothing wrong with UBER or the conveniences now afforded to us but are we paying a terrific price for our impatience?
Falling in love and the process of finding Mr. (or Mrs. Right) has been replaced by the influx of internet dating. While I am beyond happy for those who have found success via the internet - the level of caution and the "game of chance" is enormous. Ergo, I am still single. Call me old fashioned I suppose but I sincerely believe that there is something special about someone "finding" me. The thought that God could actually be "preparing" me for the person HE has for me - and then BOOM - the collision course with destiny when the person God has designed for me - FINDS ME. I have tried life "MY" way - I have even kissed a few frogs - now I (personally) have sworn against "instant" love. I do not deny that there is a concept of "love at first sight". I do not deny the magic in knowing "that" person is the right on - I know many people who have lived successful marriages built upon this concept. While I do not know what God has in store for me - what I DO know is that I am mature enough to wait. How will I know you ask... God will let us BOTH know. We will both be uniquely "in tune" with the energy and be on the same energy wave length (at least that is what "I think"). :-) God works in my mysterious ways and there is no inherent "formula" for my own future - to end this narrative of thought - I am mature enough to wait. Point is - instant gratification has limited long term effects.
The human heart yearns for "things". God gave us all things to enjoy, this is true. It is the method of our pursuit that can get us in trouble.
It stands to reason that the only one that can TRULY satisfy the human heart is the one who made it.
As a former seamstress, I could spend HOURS in a fabric shop. I would glaze my hand over the fabrics and imagine it as it draped over my silhouette, Would the color enhance my complexion - was it on my color wheel. While clutching the pattern in my hand, I would look for accessories (buttons, etc)... to complete the frock. I would painstakingly lay the material on my cutting board and carefully cut out the material. Every pin was masterfully inserted in the fabric to avoid unsightly holes or an accident ravel. On to the sewing machine and ever so carefully following the directions and ironing in of the interface. Once I tried on the "first cut" of my carefully planed work of art - not always did it "look like" what I imagined so to the seam ripper to make adjustments. My gaining a pound or two makes a difference! :-) Once the final adjustments are made, WOOLAH, I am proud of the end product! I sachet a little slower because "I MADE THIS"! Sewing is a craft that takes away from the instant gratification of being adorned different from the rest. Clothing stores offer a buffet of the "same" - if you wanna be "different' - it just takes time. What you dedicate your time to - you take pride in the final results. I am an advocate of consignment stops, Goodwill and Salvation Army. It is absolutely true that one persons trash is another persons treasure. To curtail the instant gratification AND the need to be different - since I recognize quality labels and fine fabrics, I will purchase something that needs a little work - change the buttons, etc. and I have accomplished the goal - at a discount. My heart still likes finery - I just discovered another avenue to satisfy that yearning of my heart.... on a budget!
Our relationship with the King is different, though. We don't get the option to go before our Creator and make demands. When The Almighty laid out he steps our lives must take, HE did not ask for opinion. To go to your secret closet and give Our Father suggestions on how your life should go will not work. (Ask me how I know)..... The weapons are gonna form against you and you would do yourself a service to accept it - thing is - these weapons will not prosper! That ugly part of your life story - it did not catch The Most High by surprise! So often we get caught up in our own agendas - we have to be re-directed - by a higher source. Our jobs, our children, our titles have become our GOD. We have a jealous God.... you are to put no other God before HIM.
The only REAL satisfaction for our thirsty hearts is not that instant gratification. Yes, going to church is good - but going to church is only instruction - you have to WORK IT OUT once you leave the building. People get on airplanes and follow their favorite prophet looking for a WORD from God. The electricity in the room is overwhelming and maybe the prophet said something that satisfied the yearning in your heart. That moment was a moment, though. Have you become lazy in your own prayer life and are seeking someone else to go before the Throne for you? Are you putting your own intimate time with the Creator in the hands of someone else - or get MAD when the WORD is one of correction and you are not able to dance in the aisles because they did not tell you that you should go tot he local dealership - place your hand on a car - and 'NAME IT AN CLAIM IT". Is our relationship with The King worth so much more than our own hearts desires? The heart of flesh will fool you into believing that your "wants" are so much more important than your "needs". The walk you walk as a Child of God is one where you WILL SUFFER PERSECUTION. (Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. I Timothy 3:12).
Once we shift gears to refrain from asking "Why did this life event happen to me" - to "What do you want me to learn from this situation", the focus becomes clearer.
Our Father KNOWS what we have need of. He MADE us. Trade the desires our your human heart to the desires of your Creator. He has a plan that is out of this world. I have chosen to make this change. Is it hard? Well, actually yes. The temptation to do things MY way is ever before me. The lure of this world is real! Sin DOES have pleasure (although only for a season). Our merciful and forgiving God sees our mistakes and sees as we get off track. If you wanna guide your own life - go ahead - but sooner or later your ticket will be called and you WILL do what the Father has ordained for you. He made you. He ORDERED your steps.
Give Him your heart of flesh. Are you tired (as I was) - of trying things YOUR way? What He wants for you exceeds what you would ever want for yourself. Don't worry, His plans re to prosper you. For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Jeremiah 29:11)
He's waiting!
Falling in love and the process of finding Mr. (or Mrs. Right) has been replaced by the influx of internet dating. While I am beyond happy for those who have found success via the internet - the level of caution and the "game of chance" is enormous. Ergo, I am still single. Call me old fashioned I suppose but I sincerely believe that there is something special about someone "finding" me. The thought that God could actually be "preparing" me for the person HE has for me - and then BOOM - the collision course with destiny when the person God has designed for me - FINDS ME. I have tried life "MY" way - I have even kissed a few frogs - now I (personally) have sworn against "instant" love. I do not deny that there is a concept of "love at first sight". I do not deny the magic in knowing "that" person is the right on - I know many people who have lived successful marriages built upon this concept. While I do not know what God has in store for me - what I DO know is that I am mature enough to wait. How will I know you ask... God will let us BOTH know. We will both be uniquely "in tune" with the energy and be on the same energy wave length (at least that is what "I think"). :-) God works in my mysterious ways and there is no inherent "formula" for my own future - to end this narrative of thought - I am mature enough to wait. Point is - instant gratification has limited long term effects.
The human heart yearns for "things". God gave us all things to enjoy, this is true. It is the method of our pursuit that can get us in trouble.
It stands to reason that the only one that can TRULY satisfy the human heart is the one who made it.
As a former seamstress, I could spend HOURS in a fabric shop. I would glaze my hand over the fabrics and imagine it as it draped over my silhouette, Would the color enhance my complexion - was it on my color wheel. While clutching the pattern in my hand, I would look for accessories (buttons, etc)... to complete the frock. I would painstakingly lay the material on my cutting board and carefully cut out the material. Every pin was masterfully inserted in the fabric to avoid unsightly holes or an accident ravel. On to the sewing machine and ever so carefully following the directions and ironing in of the interface. Once I tried on the "first cut" of my carefully planed work of art - not always did it "look like" what I imagined so to the seam ripper to make adjustments. My gaining a pound or two makes a difference! :-) Once the final adjustments are made, WOOLAH, I am proud of the end product! I sachet a little slower because "I MADE THIS"! Sewing is a craft that takes away from the instant gratification of being adorned different from the rest. Clothing stores offer a buffet of the "same" - if you wanna be "different' - it just takes time. What you dedicate your time to - you take pride in the final results. I am an advocate of consignment stops, Goodwill and Salvation Army. It is absolutely true that one persons trash is another persons treasure. To curtail the instant gratification AND the need to be different - since I recognize quality labels and fine fabrics, I will purchase something that needs a little work - change the buttons, etc. and I have accomplished the goal - at a discount. My heart still likes finery - I just discovered another avenue to satisfy that yearning of my heart.... on a budget!
Our relationship with the King is different, though. We don't get the option to go before our Creator and make demands. When The Almighty laid out he steps our lives must take, HE did not ask for opinion. To go to your secret closet and give Our Father suggestions on how your life should go will not work. (Ask me how I know)..... The weapons are gonna form against you and you would do yourself a service to accept it - thing is - these weapons will not prosper! That ugly part of your life story - it did not catch The Most High by surprise! So often we get caught up in our own agendas - we have to be re-directed - by a higher source. Our jobs, our children, our titles have become our GOD. We have a jealous God.... you are to put no other God before HIM.
The only REAL satisfaction for our thirsty hearts is not that instant gratification. Yes, going to church is good - but going to church is only instruction - you have to WORK IT OUT once you leave the building. People get on airplanes and follow their favorite prophet looking for a WORD from God. The electricity in the room is overwhelming and maybe the prophet said something that satisfied the yearning in your heart. That moment was a moment, though. Have you become lazy in your own prayer life and are seeking someone else to go before the Throne for you? Are you putting your own intimate time with the Creator in the hands of someone else - or get MAD when the WORD is one of correction and you are not able to dance in the aisles because they did not tell you that you should go tot he local dealership - place your hand on a car - and 'NAME IT AN CLAIM IT". Is our relationship with The King worth so much more than our own hearts desires? The heart of flesh will fool you into believing that your "wants" are so much more important than your "needs". The walk you walk as a Child of God is one where you WILL SUFFER PERSECUTION. (Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. I Timothy 3:12).
Once we shift gears to refrain from asking "Why did this life event happen to me" - to "What do you want me to learn from this situation", the focus becomes clearer.
Our Father KNOWS what we have need of. He MADE us. Trade the desires our your human heart to the desires of your Creator. He has a plan that is out of this world. I have chosen to make this change. Is it hard? Well, actually yes. The temptation to do things MY way is ever before me. The lure of this world is real! Sin DOES have pleasure (although only for a season). Our merciful and forgiving God sees our mistakes and sees as we get off track. If you wanna guide your own life - go ahead - but sooner or later your ticket will be called and you WILL do what the Father has ordained for you. He made you. He ORDERED your steps.
Give Him your heart of flesh. Are you tired (as I was) - of trying things YOUR way? What He wants for you exceeds what you would ever want for yourself. Don't worry, His plans re to prosper you. For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Jeremiah 29:11)
He's waiting!

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