Share YOUR Story.

Everybody has a plan. We plan for our lives to have a "happy ending' ... you know that "happily ever after" ending.  We plan for our children to experience the best life has to give.  They will make mistakes but they KNOW that we as parents will always be there for them.  It is the mistakes in life that teaches us invaluable lessons.  Yeah, these lessons hurt - some we even cause for ourselves but in the end, we have the ability to turn the page and start a new chapter to our book of life.

Until people know your "story" - it is absolutely true that they cannot "know your glory".  I am sure you have met people that are curious about how you "make it".  Some even may know the struggles you have had to overcome - but to be honest, when you are in the game of life sometimes you cannot explain how you "make it" - you really do not have a choice - you just put your feet on the floor and MAKE LIFE HAPPEN.  We choose happiness over sadness as a choice.  Is it easy to cry yourself to seep at night - heck, yeah.  I have done it.  At the end of the day, the tears was a cleansing of my soul but responsibilities wait and me feeling sorry for myself only made a bad situation (or a good situation) even worse.

I started "Deborah's Freedom" because people would literally walk up to me and say "I sure would like to be you" - or - "How do you do it".  Of course, I laugh inside and say "you have NO idea of what it takes to be ME".  This venue of writing and becoming more and more transparent has been healing.  The emails, comments, inbox messages and personal interactions with people who have survived some sort of domestic abuse has been amazing.  YOU have taught me a lot - now is the time to share our stories - in order to help others.  I have met people 10 - 20 -30 and 40 years past the point of impact from their issues of abuse - likewise I have met people just days, hours and minutes out of very dangerous situations.  You know, there is a common theme.  Memories.  Flash-backs and memories are as clear and vivid as the day we all chose to "walk away". 

You are gonna learn my story day by day - week by week - month by by month - 'cause I don't want anyone to carry the weight of the pain as long as I did.  When you have "walked in someone's shoes" you can fully understand their heart.  If you are anything like me - I do not like it when people give me an opinion based on what they "heard" or what "they were told".  Walk this painful walk - THEN - let's talk.  Better yet, I hope NO ONE knows the pain of abuse.

I have a story that was so painful I pretended I never hurt the way I did.   Image, I guess.  Now, I offer more transparency because if it had not been for the Lord on my side - I don't know where I would have been.  Nobody knew my story - but on the other hand no one could understand my Glory (to God)..... until now.

Choose to share you story of redemption with others.  Someone wants to put a face to survival.  In this setting of "Deborah's Freedom", I offer my face, my experiences and the overcoming nature of my existence.  Was it difficult?  Well, heck, yeah.  Was it all worth it.  Undeniably YES. 

What lies in front of me has been so much greater than that which lies behind me.  It is like - either you learn the lesson that the hard knock gave you - or you just keep repeating it.  I chose to stop the cycle.  Every time I put my fingers to the keyboard and type, each and every me I post to "Deborah's Freedom" on FaceBook or Instagram my hope is to charge, challenge or change the hearts of someone suffering. 

I am your life-line - only from the perspective that I "walked in your shoes".  I pray for you - even though I don't always know the names of the curious people reading my submissions to "Deborah's Freedom".  Know that, you are stronger than you think. 

Rise and shine.  Give God the Glory!

We are strong together.  I am here for you.


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