I Love Who I am Becoming.
Isn't it painful when someone wants to give you advice and they have not yet walked a single moment in your shoes - much less a whole mile in your shoes.... Even worse is when you offer advice from a perspective of "I've been there" to someone - they choose to NOT take the sage advice - and they return as though your conversation had not even taken place!! It get's frustrating doesn't it? I heard Bishop T.D. Jakes use a phrase called "Compassion Frustration"... and we all have been there at one time or another. You know, when you seek to encourage someone and you need encouragement yourself? Take heart, I have learned that these efforts are not without reward.
The reward I get is from exercising my experience into the hands of others - whether they accept the kind guidance or not. I am planting a seed. The biggest problem I find is not saying "I told you so". For sure, I am not an authority on ALL subjects but for those life experiences for which I can verify accuracy, I am gracious about sharing - therein lies the origin of "Deborah's Freedom".
Thanks to those that take the time to inbox me, email me and send comments I am learning this audience on "Deborah's Freedom" more clearly every day. My original focus was solely on survivors of domestic abuse but I am learning that much of the emotional trauma is similar in other types of abuse. Further, I am learning how man process pain so differently and somewhat less vocal but the internal confusion and deliberation of thought is the same in the end. I understand that everyone wants to get to the "light at the end of the tunnel" - not realizing that you cannot stop the "train" and still make progress... in other words, you have to keep moving in order to get to the light at light on the other end. Took me MANY YEARS to find "myself" again - and some days, I still feel a bit "lost". I seem to "find" myself when I interact with YOU.
I am enjoying the person that I am becoming. I am evolving and I am transforming into a person much stronger than I imagined I could be. The more I learn, the more I want to share with others - like yourself - because "I have been in your shoes". Far be it from me to judge you because "I understand".
For the nights you cry a tear that no one can see ... just know - God saw that tear and I wish I could wipe the tear away myself. Tears are a cleansing of the soul - so, sometimes it may be good to cry - just know when "enough is enough".
Yes, I love who I have been because before the "bump in the road' I was a magnificent person. Took a lot of years and (some) wasted tears to get to where I am today but I like ME again. I hope to help you love YOU again.
Thank you for reading the sentiments of my heart here on "Deborah's Freedom" "Deborah's Freedom" is YOUR freedom too. My you learn from my mistakes, grow from my past insecurities and become the best YOU imaginable!
Do not get weary. Your life is waiting for you!! Go ahead and smile for no reason at all... just exercise those facial muscles and just smile. Tings will work out. I will hold up your angel wings until you are able to fly.
Let's do this!!
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